Carola Ricci

Academic address: Department of Political and Social Sciences
University of Pavia
Website: Official website and full cv
Carola Ricci is Associate Professor of international law at the University of Pavia since 2008 and Member of the Milan Bar Association.
Previously Senior Researcher and Post-Doc Research Fellow of international and EU law at the law school of the University of Milan, she holds a PhD in international law from the same University, where she also specialized in EU law and economics after graduation.
She is member of the Scientific Board of the interfaculty PhD Course in Public Law, Criminal and International Justice at the University of Pavia and of the National PhD Programme on Sustainable Development and Climate change (PhD SDC), IUSS (Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori).
She is ‒and have been since many years‒ principal investigator of different research projects, and she author of three monographs and edited different collective works, including two on food safety in a multilevel perspective.
She has been visiting scholar at Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley; at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (London, UK); at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (Hamburg, Germany); at the London School of Economics (LSE) and invited visiting fellow at Nairobi University (Kenya).