Alfredo Ferrante

Doctor in Law at the University of Oviedo (Spain), with honours and awarded by Sancho Rebullida Prize and Bachelor of Law from University of Pisa (Italy) and University of Oviedo (Spain).
Professor in Spain, Chile and now Italy. He has been teaching all the main areas of private law in Spain, at the University of Oviedo (2004-2011) and at the University of Girona (2011-2015) where he taught in Spanish, Catalan and English.
He has also been associate professor of private and comparative law at the University Alberto Hurtado (2015-2020) in Santiago de Chile where he has been also head of private law department (2019-2020) and since the end of 2020 he is associate professor of private comparative law at University of Pavia, Italy. Admitted to Italian and Spanish Bar and Indipendent Arbitrator.
He has been a visiting professor and he held several conferences in Europe, Asia and Latin America. He is a in charge of the Obligations and Contracts Section of the Institute of Ibero-American Law (IDIBE); Member of Advisory Board of the Association des Alumni et des Amis de l’Institut Suisse de Droit Comparé (Lausanne, Switzerland) and of Board of International Association of Consumer Law (IACL). He also was a member of the Study group that elaborated the Principles of Latin American Contract Law.
He is currently a member of the working group and drafting committee on the project to modernise the Luxembourg civil code regarding the reform of law of contracts.
He published six books and more than 140 scientific contributions.