Giulia Rossolillo

Academic address: Department of Law
University of Pavia
Website: Official website and full cv
Giulia Rossolillo is full professor of European Union Law at the University of Pavia, where she also teaches International Commercial Law.
She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Journal “Rivista di diritto internazionale private e processuale” and a member of the Scientific
Council of the journal “La Comunità Internazionale”.
Since 2008, she is the director of the journal “Il Federalista/The Federalist”.
She is member of the Italian Society of International Law (SIDI) and of the Italian Association of Scholars of European Union Law (AISDUE).
She published extensively on topics related to private international law (i.e. the law applicable to name, the recognition of status acquired abroad, the techniques of private international law) and to the institutional part of European Union Law (i.e. EMU, differentiated integration, own resources and fiscal capacity of the EU, the history of the European integration process).